Recently, there has been a staggering number of cyberattacks being reported in the news. John Propersi said, “I felt obligated to share how HP Protects Client’s networks by enhanced security in printers and computers.” Acting against what he described as “creative hackers” people who can gain access to many private business networks.
A cyberattack can have an incredibly negative effect on a business and its bottom line. The keynote speaker of the night was Michael Calce, who at the age of 15 successfully hacked into several major corporations and caused 1.7 billion dollars of lost revenue in just one day. Luckily, since that time, he has become one of the most sought-after consultants hired to vet out network vulnerabilities. The second keynote speaker was Michael Howard, the top security executive at HP, who discussed what HP is doing to ensure that printer and computer endpoints help in preventing these types of attacks.
Beside the keynote speakers were several booths put on by RMC which showcased: Network Security, Endpoint Security, Document Security and Print Management Security. All these offerings help a business become and remain secure, creating peace of mind. Each booth and each keynote speaker highlighted how important it was for any business to have good security regardless of their size, as John Propersi put it, “everyone is at risk. It’s not if they will get attacked, it is when will they get attacked, and how badly will it affect their business.”