The lights dimmed on the Last Demo Standing stage in front of almost one thousand HP partners and judges at the exclusive HP Premier Partners Summit. Ray Morgan Company’s own Brad Berryman and Megan Moldoff gathered up the courage to walk alone into the spotlight for their individual final demonstrations. These brave RMC Sales Representatives
were 2 out of only 12 chosen for the finals. Each finalist was given specific demonstration guidelines on exclusive new HP content and only 25 minutes to present at their assigned time. The anticipation was high. They both had spent hours planning after they were given their final assignment. Brad and Megan put forth their best effort in those 25 minutes to demonstrate their expertise to the judges. The top 3 standing at the end of the competition would be rewarded with a trophy, HP Blue Carpet reward points, and assuredly personal career recognition.
Just a couple short months before, Brad and Megan received word from an HP representative about the upcoming competition. They each gathered their resources and created a 5 minute video entry. Brad was chosen as a finalist because of his confidence and ingenuity. Megan was selected for her creative concept to present HP content through a music video. Out of the qualified videos sent in from all over the United States, Brad and Megan were among the 12 chosen to advance to the final round at the HP Premier Partners Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana. HP treated all finalists to a 4 night stay at the fancy Sheraton Hotel in downtown New Orleans, a welcome reception, a tour of the historical town, and a celebration dinner with one of the top HP executives.
After deliberation, the judges called the finalists back to the stage for results. The competition was fierce. The finalists were to be eliminated one by one until there were only 3 left standing. As the crowd fell silent, the judges proceeded to announce the final 3 remaining. After the announcement, applause filled the room as RMC’s own Brad Berryman from the Las Vegas branch was awarded the 1st place trophy, and Megan Moldoff from our Pleasanton branch was given the 3rd place honor.
Continue reading below for a spotlight on our 2 award-winning employees, Brad and Megan.
What do you do for RMC?
Brad: Well this sort of a loaded question. I act as a Major Account Solution Consultant, run the scanner division for all of the RMC branches, and act a solution specialist supporting other reps. I am also a bid response writer. My key responsibility is to detect a client’s current business challenges and apply equipment or software to solve our day to day challenges.
Megan: I am an HP Technology Specialist for Ray Morgan. My role is to connect businesses with office solutions to help solve their business problems.
How long have you worked for RMC?
Brad: I have worked for RMC for over 8 years.
Megan: I have been with Ray Morgan for one year.
Briefly describe your work day:
Brad: My days consist of supporting all RMC Reps with scanner questions and pricing, managing my account base, cold calling to find new clients, and crafting complex bid responses. I am also providing machine and software training, monitoring on going client relations, and partnering with other representatives on key accounts needed advance software.
Megan: No day is the same. I visit with clients, introduce myself to perspective customers, make phone calls, and send emails. I meet new people every day and I spread the word of RMC.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Brad: Variety. I do so many things out of the box things for RMC. There is never a dull moment.
Megan: The best part about my job is getting to know my surrounding community better. I have knocked on just about every door in my territory, and I never know who I am going to meet. As one customer put it, “I am sorry for venting, but it’s like you’re my shrink.” I do my best to listen to clients, establish relationships, and work on building my business every day.
What do you like most about RMC?
Brad: Flexibility. I have the ability to work when and where ever I am.
Megan: I love the people that make up RMC. The team I work with is incredible. Since I am new to the industry, everyone has taken me under their wing to show me their methodologies of being successful in this business. Not many people would have the kindness and respect to take time out of their day to teach the “new kid”. However in this office, they do. I am very thankful for that.
What does your workspace look like and or what tools do you use?
Brad: Well, it is sometimes chaotic. I am a neat freak by nature. I utilize three 22” monitors, dedicated scanner, headset, laptop, tablet, and numerous programs to create and craft presentations to complex bid responses. Tools are one of the most important things to making my job doable.
Megan: Chaos. I would be lying if I said it was pristine. I have a white board with my pipeline written on it. I have stacks of client file folders I am working on. I have my calendar with highlights written all over it. That is what helps me keep on track even if everything seems upside down.
What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?
Brad: I enjoy cooking, cleaning, working out and being organized. When I am not in the office, I am with my wife and our two fur babies doing something outdoors or around the house.
Megan: I enjoy singing, dancing, baking. I am really close with my family. You can find our pictures in my cube. When I am not in the office, my husband and I are always going to a family or friend event. We are at that stage where everyone is getting engaged, married, or expecting so we have been non-stop with all the showers. We are weekend warriors, but I am thankful and grateful for it all!
What’s been one of your outstanding achievements recently while working at RMC?
Brad: Earning the Greatest Spirit Award in 2018 alongside my esteemed colleagues.
Megan: One of my biggest achievements while working at Ray Morgan was becoming a finalist for the HP Premier Partner Summit’s Last Demo Standing Contest. After attending, I was awarded 3rd place. I am still in shock that I was even picked to go to this event, let alone be chosen as one of the top 3.
What was your inspiration to achieve that honor?
Brad: I wish I could say I was inspired, but it is just what I do day-to-day. I take a lot of pride in my work. I make sure if people call me, I respond. I always do my best to provide help and support both internally and externally. This is simply a part of my makeup, not something I aspire to be.
Megan: My mentors in this office. This was absolutely an all hands on deck effort. I want to thank Tonya Hastings, Kristen Sparkes, Mark Hipperson, and Deborah Royston. From listening to my presentation, words of encouragement, to the lending of laser pointers. I also want to thank Amber Provenzano-Bailey, Kim Hassel, and Drew Brouns for being part of my submission video. If it weren’t for you, it wouldn’t have been the success it was. Each of these individuals came up to me to offer their help and it was truly kind. I also want to thank my husband for listening to my presentation a million times over after work. This was a team effort, and each contribution was a part of my success.
What advice do you have for others in your profession seeking similar accomplishments?
Brad: Put in the work. I have built two successful businesses while here at RMC in Redding and another at a startup branch in Las Vegas! Nothing worthwhile is simple and you have to invest in yourself and your knowledge base. My second piece of advice is: Enjoy what you do, have fun, and enjoy life’s little successes.
Megan: If you have a vision, trust yourself to go for it. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. If you aren’t having fun, you’re doing it wrong.
![]() Brad Berryman and Family
![]() Megan Moldoff